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Focus Newsletter – March 2022

Welcome to the Spring 2022 Focus Newsletter!


  • Changes at Bradbury Fields
  • Introducing Matt Cliff
  • Margaret Guppy’s Gardening Corner
  • Introducing Darren Holloran
  • Children’s Activities – Henshaws
  • Margaret Guppy’s Pandemic Book
  • Fundraising
  • St Vincent’s School
  • Eye Conditions
  • Upcoming Events
  • Margaret Guppy’s Cookery Corner
  • Margaret Guppy’s Things You Should Know

Changes at Bradbury Fields

Roger Phillips, formerly of BBC Radio Merseyside and a very longstanding Trustee of Bradbury Fields and now on the Bradbury Fields Community Service Committee. What’s that and why?  Well, welcome to the Spring edition of Focus Newsletter which will explain all.

There have been many changes at Bradbury Fields since our last newsletter, with our Chief Executive, Phil Longworth, leaving at the end of September 2021.

Also, there’s the very sad news about our Chairman, Frank McFarlane, who passed away at the beginning of February.  Frank was devoted to Bradbury Fields.  He is sorely missed not just as a Chairman, but as a good man and a friend.

On the brighter side, we have got two new people who you will hear from, Matt Cliff and Darren Holloran, but first, coincidentally, following Phil’s departure, although he had very much involved in the planning, Bradbury Fields merged with the Catholic Blind Institute, the CBI, and I am joined by the CBI’s Chief Executive, Bob Birchall.  Bob explained what the merger means for Bradbury Fields.

Bob Birchall thanked for being asked to contribute to the newsletter, it is really appreciated.

It has been a very busy time since our last edition and much has moved forward here at Bradbury Fields.  As many of you will know, Phil Longworth has left his role as Chief Executive and relocated to the Isle of Man.  Bob took this opportunity to say a massive thank you to Phil for all his work over many years, and to wish him all the very best with future.

Bob is delighted to say that in February we welcomed our new Head of Bradbury Fields Community Services, Matt Cliff.  Matt brings with him a wealth of experience and a massive amount of energy and we know he’ll be very excited to lead us through the next stage in our development.

You will also be aware that the next stage of our Bradbury Fields journey has involve the merger with the Catholic Blind Institute.  This was put into effect in October and we are delighted to welcome Bradbury Fields services into the CBI family.  There are lots of exciting plans for the future, and we look forward to sharing that further news with you as that journey unfolds.

We should say that most people will not see any changes to services, services will continue as they always have done; the same familiar faces will still be here delivering the services that you have come to know and love and value over the years.  That will not change.  This is a building block, somewhere for us to move forward from and we are very excited about that process.

We do also have sad news to share in relation to longstanding Bradbury Fields Chair, Frank McFarlane.  As Roger mentioned earlier, Frank was taken ill at Christmastime and very sadly passed in February.  Frank was a huge figure at Bradbury Fields, the CBI, St Vincent’s and beyond and will be greatly missed throughout the wider community.

We thank Frank for all his work and our thoughts and prayers are with Julia, his family, friends and colleagues and all those who knew and loved him.

Other articles that we’ll be talking about within this newsletter are going to include:-

Matt Cliff – Head of Bradbury Fields Community Services

Bob then introduced Matt Cliff, in his new role as Head of Bradbury Fields Community Services.

Matt considers himself to be a pretty ordinary guy.  He’s married with three beautiful daughters, Elanor, Charlotte and Emilia. 

Matt’s visually impaired and registered blind.  His eyesight condition is Retinitis Pigmentosa.  These days his sight has deteriorated to the extent that he can no longer read or write and no longer uses print.  He’s a JAWS screen reader, using voiceover on his phone. 

He’s mad into sport and is usually to be found on cricket pitch or athletics track or in a sports hall. 

His last role was as the North West Engagement Manager at Thomas Pocklington Trust around campaigning and advocacy for things affecting visually impaired people, so he is really passionate about visually impaired people being able to live the lives they want to.

Matt’s no stranger to Bradbury Fields and has been known there for a number of years.  He said it is interesting walking through the corridors and bumping into people – sometimes literally – that he’s met in a previous life with a different hat on, but it’s very exciting.  Even finding the studio today, right next door to the tandem store so Matt knew exactly where he was going.

Bob said its good to know that Matt has been making himself at home so quickly but asked what he is most excited about in his new role.

Matt replied that the last two years have been really challenging for everyone with Covid-19, etc., and there’s been a lot going on at the CBI and Bradbury Fields, the merger, changes coming for the whole world and this is a really exciting time to get involved with a charity like this, so Matt is really looking forward to introducing new activities, getting more people coming to the Centre, and just getting a real buzz about the place.

Bob said this sounds like an exciting challenge ahead and asked how people can reach Matt.

Matt would like to be quite open and contactable, so come to reception, give him a call, drop him an email.  He has an ‘open door’ policy but has to keep the door closed as his dog gets a bit excitable when other guide dogs walk past the office.  Just knock on his door or call reception, Matt’s happy to chat at any time.

Bob said we are delighted to have him here and thanked him for his time today.

Margaret Guppy’s Gardening Corner

It’s a long time since Margaret’s last article, a lot of water has gone under the bridge.

Her first item is gardening tips.

Spring is on the way, honest!  Because we had quite a mild January, you might have noticed many of the plants in the garden have already sprouting new leaves, especially the roses.  Don’t be frightened to give them a good prune along with any other shrubs and bushes that need a tidy-up.

If you have a small garden, or just pots, have you tried growing miniature roses, they are very good.  Margaret has one in her garden called the fairy and it’s lovely!  They are ideal for small spaces and only grow to about 2.5 foot. They make an ideal display in pots if you only have a yard.  They are lovely, the flower all summer and will make you very happy.

When planting roses and any other pot grown plant, make sure you plant as deep in the ground as it is in the pot. Give all plants a good watering before planting out and after, and also some feed.

As I’ve probably told you before, tomato feed feeds everything, all plants, so don’t go buying feed for a rose, feed for a something else, feed for tulips. Tomato feed feeds everything!  But start the season off by giving your plants a sprinkling of fish blood and bone and its quite easily bought from all garden centres.  Do this twice a year, probably in March and maybe September.

If you don’t have a garden, why not try growing some things in pots in your window?  Such as thyme, mint and lavender.  You’ll enjoy that when you can pick up a leaf and put it in your stew.

Happy gardening!

Darren Holloran – Health and Wellbeing Project Co-ordinator

Bob introduced Darren Holloran, our new Volunteer Co-ordinator who has literally only just started with us at Bradbury Fields and is the newest member of our team, Bob saying it is a pleasure to have him here.

Darren is visually impaired so it is really interesting for him to join an establishment, a great charity like Bradbury Fields, and to see so many people and how they adapt their lives and get on.  He said it has been really humbling this past couple of weeks and he has really enjoyed it so far.

Darren’s only a week and a half in so has a lot to learn.

His background is mainly in physical disability and social care and he worked for a national charity for 21 years as a general manager, managing one of their sites where respite breaks were provided for people with physical disabilities.  They used to organise excursions, entertainment, activities, with volunteers supporting.  They had a restaurant bar, pool and lots of things going on in a bustling centre.

Darren decided to step out of management and is now looking after volunteers for Bradbury Fields.

He is trying to gauge the identity and purpose of the new role as Health and Wellbeing Project Co-ordinator with a specific focus on the volunteer role and is trying to coordinate that to meet the needs and aims of the service, so he will be looking closely at what volunteers we have in place, how they can be supported and look at their health and wellbeing and how they can give back to us and see what benefits volunteering brings for volunteers as well as our service users.  So a lot to do, a lot to learn, a lot to understand. 

So far Darren has been trying to meet everybody. Everybody’s been so welcoming from colleagues to volunteers to service users, and it’s been a very enjoyable eight days or so and so long may it continue and hopefully Darren will get to meet some more of our service users as we go.

Bob said that volunteers are so important to what we do here and that we are really looking forward to strengthening that relationship and resource, so we are really looking forward to hearing more from Darren in the months ahead.

Darren is happy to speak to anyone who would like to chat with him, he’s always open.  Anyone who would like him to present to their group societies, social clubs, wherever, he is happy to come out and talk about what we do here.

Lots more to do and achieve and hopefully Darren can feedback in the future.

Ellie Thompson – Henshaws

Hi, my names Ellie and I work as the Children and Young People’s Enablement Officer for Henshaws in Merseyside, which is a charity supporting individuals who have a visual impairment. I am new to the role, and  support both children and young people.

I offer different half term activities such as a farm day on Wednesday 13th April for under 16’s and then on Thursday 21st April we have a sensory story activity based in Story Barn, Calderstones park. Two really fun days to look forward to, which are available to be booked now!

We also offer virtual activities online which are on zoom, doing fun quizzes and games for the under 12’s.

Also, I will be starting an ‘I can do it’ course which will be after school time on a Friday to support children with independence and confidence learning about  friendship, road safety, goals, aspirations and much more.

Please do get in touch and I will to be able to sign your child up to Henshaws so that they can attend all the fun things I have planned.

My number is 0785 091 4124 and email

Margaret Guppy

Book on Pandemic

Margaret’s writing a book for which she needs her help.  The book is about the horrible virus we’ve had because two years of living with something unimaginable must have been pretty awful for many people.

Margaret’s collecting stories from people who would like to have an input into the book, just to say how they managed or didn’t. 

If you want to write it yourself, about 200 words, or Margaret can write it for you, just contact the Bradbury Centre.  It will be interesting to get people’s views on how they managed.

Margaret’s guide dog, Nicola, has written her own little piece about the virus!  This is Nicola’s story:-

My views on a changing world, seen through the eyes of a guide dog.

I’m a golden retriever called Nicola.  I have become very concerned recently about a thing called ‘virus’.  What is it, who is it?

My world and my mum’s world has changed because of it.  We don’t go out as often as we used to and when we do, there are less people.

We don’t go to the shops very much because there is no one to take us around and tell us what is on the shelves.  I can’t do it even though I’m clever.  Mum could come home with lots of dog treats and no cornflakes!

I like going to the part but that’s not much fun any more.  People keep their distance, they don’t say “hello” and why all of a sudden are people wearing funny things over their faces?  I’ve nearly forgotten what a smile looks like.

And what is thing called two metres?  Waiting in a queue outside the bank for half an hour wasn’t much fun, can’t go forward until we are told, can’t stand next to anyone.  My legs got quite tired and I know my mum’s did.

What is this strange new world called ‘virus’?  A silent world with so few people, very few visitors, nothing much to wag a tail for, no one to make a fuss of me and say how beautiful I am. 

I want to see people smile again and be friendly again.  I want to see people help each other and love each other.  I want the people I love to be happy again.

How can a thing called ‘virus’ change our world so much?

Lots of love, Nicola.

Margaret hopes you enjoyed Nicola’s story and go away and have a think of what you can add to this book, as Margaret would be very grateful.  Just get in touch with the Bradbury Centre and they will put you in touch with Margaret.

Gill Wilson


Gill Wilson is the fundraiser at Bradbury Fields while Louise is on maternity leave. 

Gill said that being in the hot seat for twelve months while Louise has been off has not been easy, it is difficult trying to bring in some money.  The pandemic has not helped so Gill really does need your help.

Fundraising turns a lot of people off and makes you think that we just want a load of money out of you but that is not the case.  It’s more contact and more help.

We’ve not done a lot of events, we’ve had to cancel a few and have a few coming up.

Basically we have looked at Easy Fundraising which is a website where you go on and buy whatever you want to buy. There’s 6,000 retailers ranging from holiday companies, to insurance to high street shops.  You got on the website and buy as normal and pay the normal price.  It’s the company that then donates a small amount of money back to us.  That works well for us if everybody starts shopping with Easy Fundraising.

The website for Easy Fundraising is  Go on there, there’s a little drop down box which will remind you each time shop.  Each time you shop, pennies literally drop into our account and that does make a massive difference.

Likewise, if you are a member of the Co Op, we have been chose as one of the local causes for the local Co Op, so if you’re a member (and if you’re not, you can sign up for £1), each time you go in and swipe your card, so long as you’ve said that it’s Bradbury Fields that you want the money to go to, we again will get a penny for every time you swipe your card.  A penny won’t buy us a lot, I appreciate that, won’t buy any of us anything really will it?  However, last year a hospice actually raised £20,000 through this with everybody swiping their cards, so you can see there’s a lot of money we can be given by the Co Op.

Again, there’s a website, but if it’s easier there’s also a phone number and you can just phone up and they will register you as a member and tell you what you need to do.  That telephone number is 0800 0234708.  If you are not a member, it’s just £1 and we will really benefit from that.

These are the two things that Gill feels are quite an easy ask but she really wants to get into corporates so companies out there who have Charity of the Year, companies who have staff that do fundraising, the best way in is with one contact.  If you know a company, if you’ve got a relative or a friend who works in a company that does charity fundraising or Charity of the Year, please let us know.

If you want to do the introduction, that’s brilliant, but if you want to give Gill some information and she can pick it up from there, that is great.  A warm contact makes a massive, massive difference to us. 

Without boring you with detail, the trend for fundraising in 2022 will continue as it did last year where events don’t happen a lot, community giving is a bit down but corporate giving is going to rise.  It is going to be increasing as we go through the year and we need to be part of that, we really do need to be getting into it.

So, if you have any contacts at all in the corporate world, whether it be a small business or a large company, please do let us know.

Just before Gill finishes, two events to tell you about!

We are having a Dine in the Dark meal here later on in the year but on 16th September 2022 we are doing a fire walk, so you register, get sponsorship and walk on a lane of fire!  There is some training, a lot of mind skills to go with this but it’s a bit of excitement so if you fancy walking on fire, raising money for Bradbury Fields, then Gill’s the person to contact so just give her a call on our reception number or email Gill on and she can get you the information and sponsorship, and get you flying so that you can do a fire walk.

Lastly, if you’ve not signed up to our Facebook page, please go and have a look, Bradbury Fields on Facebook, like, share, comment, it all makes a difference to us and gets us seen in the outside world so you will be not spending any money, not spending too much time, not having to walk on fire but making a massive difference.

A friend of Gill’s once told her, and it stuck with her, if we all do a little we can achieve a lot!

St Vincent’s School

Bob then introduced Dr John Patterson and David Swanston, the Principal and Deputy of St Vincent’s in West Derby.

St Vincent’s is an excellent school with a fantastic reputation for its curriculum and enrichment opportunities.

John said that the really exciting stuff will be coming from David with the specialisms within sport and horticulture, but John started with the Magic Bench.

The children wrote a series of stories that people may have heard of, the journey for peace, they have been shared on the news.

Magic Bench is a story about a local park and what happens with one of our young men who is empowered it talk with nature.  The story is on the internet and the school website as an animation.

It was put out as a competition and are currently getting children from across the country writing stories about what happens when the Magic Bench lands in their community!

There’s a thinking behind this, its how our young people can take a leadership role in writing stories, how our young people can take a leadership role in the animation work and the technology that surrounds how it was made into an animation and how our young people can be leaders in the curriculum.

The aim is to get our children going out and doing assemblies in the future, using the animation to showcase breakdown barriers to VI but really forge those routes to employment in a ‘can do’ shape of way.

David, hot on the trail of the Varkey Global Teacher Prize in the last term, has some exciting projects that we would love him to share.

David is really pleased to announce that between 20th and 24th July, St Vincent’s will be presenting again at the Tatton Park Flower Show.  They were successful last year where the children designed, planned and showcased all their strengths in horticulture and sustainable developments.

This year’s theme is food and trees across the whole show.  It is specifically for the young people of St Vincent’s who will be designing their very own allotment taking the shape of something we are calling the Little Free Greenhouse, the idea being that our young people will sew seeds, seeds of hope and plants across the Liverpool City Region so by the end of the Tatton Park Show we’ll have had a small biodiversity and will see what impact that has on the local community, so if St Vincent’s can do one Little Free Greenhouse, imagine what ten schools in the local community can do, so that’s more bees, butterflies and trees.

In terms of physical education and all the work being done at the school, it has been well documented about the outstanding achievements for physical activity and the School is really proud to part of the recent Chief Medical Officer’s recommendations for physical activity guidelines.  This is a world’s first and also a world’s first that we’ve been able to develop a braille infographic which is free to access for any young person with a visual impairment who wants to achieve that, and they can access that from St Vincent’s website, or they can go onto the website, simply search infographics and you can access a free real version copy of that.

This week we’ve launched the Activity Alliance which used to be the English Federation of Disability Sport.  It’s a huge campaign around changing the perceptions of disabled children not being involved in PE sessions or coaches. 

Bob thanked John and David for the excellent work that’s being done at St Vincent’s.

John said that the amount of horticulture work had the benefit of enabling John to attend Cop 26 with the children, this being the biggest conference for global need for climate action.  Our children presented the work they had been doing in Grow Wild to world leaders no less, including to Ashton who are big players in the field of climate action.  Their Chief Executive came up to St Vincent’s who were then featured in the Let’s Go Zero campaign, a national campaign which our children led, their faces being on hoardings up and down the country, in railway stations.  There was a series of photographs taken which was only shown and exhibited in London.  Because of the impact of our children and the impact of this work, Let’s Go Zero have been in touch with us and are going to bring that exhibition from London to Liverpool.  It will appear in Liverpool One on 26th May, so it would be beautiful if our community could really get behind us here.  Come to Liverpool One on 26th May and see what’s happening.

Simultaneously, we helped Liverpool One write a heritage trail and that heritage trail is being launched this week, it’s VI accessible, so it’s great to see the city’s really coming behind some of the innovations coming out of David Swanston’s ideas so get behind us on that one!

Information on the Eye Condition

Tear Film Dysfunction

Margaret wants to inform everyone on an eye condition of which she was totally unaware, despite having suffered eye conditions herself for over fifty years.

She said this is worth mentioning as the more knowledge we have, the better we know about our eye conditions.

Margaret said that if you think might have this type of condition, mention it to your doctor next time you have an appointment.

Our eyes have a layer of liquid that covers their surface (the tear film).  The presence of this layer is essential to help maintain the health and comfort of our eyes.  The tear film is a complex layer composed of many substances.  A disturbance of any of these substances may cause a tear deficiency and this will lead to discomfort.  This commonly occurs with inflammation of the glands on the eyelids.

The doctor or nurse would have identified the specific abnormality and will advise you on what treatment to follow. The following is to help you follow their instructions.

It is important that you carry out this procedure twice daily (mornings and evenings) if your symptoms are to be eased.

You will require a small bowl of hand hot water and four large cotton wool balls.

1    Wet one of the cotton wool balls in hot water and with your eyes closed, gently but firmly massage the right eyelid for 20 seconds, focusing on the area of the lid where the eyelashes start.

2    Dispose of the cotton wool ball and repeat the procedure for a further 20 seconds.

3    Repeat to the left eye.

If you have been prescribed eye ointment, this will need to be applied in the evening after the warm water massage.

1    Wash hands.

2    Apply a small amount of ointment to your finger and apply it gently to your eyelid margins.  You will find that you may be able to remove many of the scales along your eyelid margins, as you apply the ointment.

3    The following morning use a wet cotton wool ball to remove the ointment

Further information

Corneal Specialist Nurse telephone        

0151 706 2000 bleep 724 or ext 3928

Textphone:            18001 0151 706 3928

Fax:                       0151 706 5792

Primary Care telephone  0151 706 3949

Textphone:            18001 0151 706 3949

If you are worried at all, Margaret said it is so important that you mention it to your doctor or when you are at the hospital.  She discovered what little sight she has was getting blurred at certain times of the day.  The doctor told her she had blepharitis.  Margaret said you need to know these things otherwise you go around thinking you are going potty! 

Information and knowledge is important – just ask if you are at all worried!

Upcoming Events

Gill Dottie gave the following information on events planned to be held at the Garden Suite in the Bradbury Centre.

Friday 29th April 2022, Sue Yates and her fellow musicians, including our own Bradbury Fields Choir, for a Sue and Friends Folk Night.  This was a huge success when we did the last one in March 2020.  Tickets are on sale now from reception, so pop in if you are passing or telephone the usual 0151 221 0888 and reception staff can take your details and reserve your ticket over the phone.

The tickets are just £10 each and include a sandwich supper to be served in the interval.  There will also be an opportunity for you to join in with the singing at the end of each half when Sue will ask you to join in with some old favourites for a sing-a-long.

The doors open at 6.30pm and the performers will be on from 7.30pm.

The bar will be open as usual and the event will close at 10.3pm so please try to book your Merseylink or taxi to arrive for 10.30pm.

It should be a great night, tickets are limited so make sure you get yours as soon as possible. 

Further events planned include a traditional afternoon tea with paracycling gold medal winning athlete Lorna Fachie, many of you will know her better as Lorna Turnham.

Lorna started her athletic journey here at Bradbury Fields when she took part in the tandem cycling programme.

This event will take place in the autumn and we are just waiting for Lorna to get back to us with the dates when she is available.

Another event that everyone’s been asking for is the afternoon barbecue.  We’ve set the date for this as Saturday 18th June.  We will be running this as a day when we can all get together to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a red, white and blue event, so please join in with the theme of the day if you can, by wearing something red, white or blue or all of those colours if you want.

We will be opening up our refurbished sensory garden for the afternoon and the entertainment will be provided by Jim and Mal, better known as the Everly Buddies.  This event will be suitable for children too.  Tickets including food and entertainment are £10 each for adults and £5 each for children.  Under five’s are free.  The afternoon kicks off at 3pm and the food from the barbecue will be served from 4pm.  There’s an opportunity for karaoke and also some community sing-a-long towards the end of the afternoon.  We aim to finish around 7pm and the bar will be open as usual.  Tickets will be available from reception after the Easter break.  We very much hope for some fine weather, however, it is raining then this event will still go ahead and will be held in the Garden.  This is a ticket only event and tickets must be purchased in advance.

A harvest supper is planned for the autumn and we also our good friends, the Port Sunlight Seadogs, will do another sea shanty night for us in October.  Details of these events will be on our next newsletter.

Finally, a quick update on the Abba Night.  This will be our Christmas Party Night in 2022 and will take place on Friday 2nd December so make sure you have this date in your diaries.  A lot of tickets have already have been sold because it was an event that we had to cancel last year.

We entered Margaret Guppy, one of our volunteers who I know many of you will know, into the Steve Morgan Foundation Volunteer of the Year Awards.  Over 300 charities throughout the north west entered their own volunteers for this award.  We heard just before Christmas that Margaret had been shortlisted in the final twelve.  At the end of January we were told that Margaret had made it through to the final four.  Wow!  This in itself is a huge achievement and speaks volumes that her contribution is recognised as a worthy winner.

The winner will be announced on Monday 28th March 2022 at the Steve Morgan Foundation Awards Ceremony, to be held in Cheshire.  Fingers crossed for Margaret and also for us to, because the winner is awarded £4,000 for their charity.

This is an edited version about what we wrote about Margaret:-

“Margaret is simply an amazing woman, she is visually impaired herself with only a small window of sight remaining, and has a guide dog, Nicola. 

“Throughout the year she supervises a team to maintain our Sensory Gardens at the Bradbury Centre, hosts a Pudding Club in her own home twice a year, runs the local Partially Sighted and Macular Group, hosts regular monthly meetings, gives talks about our work and takes Nicola to local schools to educate the children about what it is like to be blind. 

“This year she organised and made cakes for a tea party at the Centre to get our sports groups back together for socials after a long break because of Covid.  In addition, she has for the past fifteen years run the Talking Newspaper for the Blind.  It was during Covid when our service users were isolating that she really took control and became part of our telephone network to keep everyone in touch, answering out-of-hours calls from 7pm to 10pm each evening and all day Saturdays and Sundays too. Margaret was a friendly voice, always willing to listen to the callers.  This was invaluable as those isolating quite often experienced worsening symptoms and loneliness at night. 

“She is simply unique and gets on with giving help when it is needed so many blind people in Liverpool and beyond in supporting our services. 

“Good luck Margaret from everyone at Bradbury Fields”!

Margaret Guppy’s Cookery Corner

Having cooked for over fifty years with sight loss, Margaret has discovered that you don’t have to stop cooking when you have difficulty seeing even the mixing bowl!  The one thing she can recommend is to find the simplest recipes that don’t take up all of your time and effort. 

Do all in one cakes, such as Victoria Sponges, fruit cakes and scones.

Try putting a little bit of grated apple into your scone recipe, it’s very nice!

Don’t do what Margaret did recently, make a Victoria Sponge and forgot to put the flour in, a fact she realised when she took it out of the oven and discovered the mess!  We all make mistakes, even the best cooks in the world, so don’t worry about it!

When cooking a main meal, prepare enough for more than one meal so that you can put several in the freezer for another day.

We know these days you can buy all sorts of ready made mixtures such as sponge mixtures and crumbles, but there’s nothing like the satisfaction of something of something you have prepared from scratch and know you’ve done it yourself.


Margaret Guppy’s

Things You Should Know

Margaret advised that we planted a Japanese Maple in the Sensory Garden at Bradbury Fields about a year ago to remember all the people who had the virus and sadly passed away, or had the virus and recovered, and it’s just to remember that this horrible thing that hit us without any warning and we’ve remembered all these people.

We are also planning to put an oak tree in the garden to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  We haven’t decided where yet but we’ll put a plaque with it because it’s important to remember all these things.

Margaret also wants to alert you to something that concerns her.  She has a password when she’s at home so that anyone calling to her door has a password because when Margaret opens her door, she doesn’t know who is there, could be Father Christmas, she still wouldn’t know!  If you have a password, if somebody comes to your door and doesn’t have the password, do not let them in!  Say would you please go away and get the password.  It’s probably a workman coming to do a job but it doesn’t make any difference to keep yourself safe.  Have a password and get the people who come to do whatever work in your home, make them use it.  You are important!


Although we make every attempt to ensure that the information contained within the newsletter is both timely and accurate, Bradbury Fields cannot be held responsible for any information that is within it.  This newsletter is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to be either legally binding or contractual in nature.

If you want to receive a fuller version of this newsletter, please contact reception on 0151 221 0888 and you will be sent the audio version.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this Newsletter and look forward to meeting you again when we present our next Newsletter.

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